Introduction The marketability and price of fresh market potatoes are determined by the tuber’s visual appearance, which...
1 Introduction Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a staple of the world’s diet and is grown in more...
Introduction As an essential plant macro-nutrient, calcium plays a vital role in plant growth and human health....
Idaho is well-known for potato production. According to the Idaho State Department of Agriculture, the state leads...
1 Introduction Wound-related damage to potato tubers can cause significant postharvest losses (estimated ≥ $300 million U.S....
1 Introduction Nutrient-rich food is essential to achieve and maintain good health and well-being. The human body...
Plant material Samples of potato tuber were collected from two sources: (1) from Graminor’s core collection grown...
Reeve, R. M., Hautala, E. & Weaver, M. L. Anatomy and compositional variation within potatoes. Am. Potato...
Kheiralipour, K. Sustainable Production, Definitions, Aspects, and Elements (Nova Science Publishers, 2022). Book Google Scholar Wang, N.,...
Sprouting behaviour of potato tubers In this study, the stored tubers exhibited clear variety-specific differences in sprouting...